Sunday, January 15, 2012



A key process in the hydrosphere is known as the water cycle where by water evaporation rain on the mowntains and flows and back to sea.

The water cycle contains many little quirks and paths such as the sublimation of water on land and the storage of water on land of water in underground aquifers.

Underground aquifers are so huge and abundant that they contain enough water for hundreds of years.

Ice sheets, covering large portions of antarctica and greenland make up about 77%of the global total of freshwater . Due to global warming many of these sheets are melting causing the word,s ocean levels to slowly rise.


Evaporation is the process where a liquid in this case, water chan ges from its liguid water becomes water vapor . 

During the water cycle some of the water in the oceand and fresh water bodies shuch as lakes and rivers is warmed by the sun and evaporates. on ture is the primary factor. 


When the temperature and atmospheric pressure are right the small droplets of water in clouds from larger droplets and precipitation on occurs .The rain drops fall to earth.


One final process is important in the water cycle . as plants absorbs water from the soil the water moves from the roots throught the stems to the leaves. once the water reaches the leaves someof it evaporates from the leaves adding to the amount of water vapor in the air.

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Sinharaja rain forest is a world heritaje sate and maijor eco trurism destination , which can also be deregscribed as a tropical lowland rain forest or tropical wet evergreen forest. whatever its 'technical' name its is a rich treasure trove of nature with a great diversity of habitats and a vast repository of  Sri Lanka's endemic spesies  found no where else in the world . BIRD WATCHING  in this ecosystem is particularly interesting because it is in home to 95% of the endemic birds of sri lanka. named as world heritage site in 1989, this lowland evergreen rain forest is steeped in deep legend and mystery . The word sinharaja means, lion (sinha) king (raja) and it is popular belief that than legendary origin of the sinhala people is from the union between a princess and the lion king who once lived in the forest.    


Tuesday, January 10, 2012



Sri Lanka is blessed with over one hundrend  water folls. The tollest is the bambarakande fall which cascades down 263metres like liquid light. it is only four miles away from the Colombo-Bandarawela road in a forest glade, but it is not visited often , though well worth the trip.

Babarakande is toller than the famous diyaluma folls which is only 220 metres but thought to be the tollest water folls in sri lanka. The diyaluma  or diya haluma collects  its water from the poonagala oya in the vicinity of koslanda and wellawaya.


"Bopath Ella" not like many of the others  of her kind , finds her abode in a busy surrounding in the village alled devipahala off kuruvita on A4 high level road close to Rathnapura.Bean withing 3 hours driving distance form the capital , it thus claims the honour of having the highest turn over of ethusiasts seeking  respite from the grimy and monotonus town life.



The Mahaweli River is a 355km (208ml) long river, ranking as the longest river in Sri Lanka. Its drainage basin is the largest river in country and covers almost one-fifth of the total area of the island. The river reaches the Bay of Bengal on the south western side of Trincomalee Bay.The bay includes the first of a number submarine canyons. making trinkomalee one of the finest deep sea harbords in the world. the river and its are tributaries are damed  at several location to allow irrigation in the day zone.With olmost 1,000 km2 of land irricated.Production of hydroelectricty  from  six dams of the  mahaweli system supplies more than 40% of sri lanka,s electricty needs. one of the many sources of the river is the  kotmale oya.


         KOTMALE OYA
         HATTON OYA

         UMA OYA
         BADULU OYA

         AMBAN GANGA




The alpaca is a type of llama that lives in the Andes Mountains of South America.The Alpaca is part of the camelidae family and is closely related to the well -known llama .The llama is a much larger animal,standing up to 4 feed at the shoulder and weighing 340 pounds. Borth are smil -wild domesticate animals relateds to the wild guanaco.small think the alpaca may be a cross between a llama and vicuna. 


                ANDEAN CONDOR

The condor is the largest vulture in south america .it has awingspain of  up to 10 feet and more male condors can weigh 24 to33 pounds.and females from 18 to 24 pounds.                                                                
Andeancondors root on the face of the clift,and use the thermal updrapt of warm morning air to lift off.They spend most of the day soaring on the updrafts created by the mauntains and valleys. The cover a large area while foraging. Andeancondors of peru and chile , and the patagonian steppe of argentina.





              The Andes Mountains are located in South America, runing north to south along the western coast of the continent. The Andes Mountains are the longest and one of the highest mountains ranges in the world.the are located in south America and sttretch 4,500 miles from north to south,along the west coast of the continents.